Law Training 

For all legal professionals
including support staff. 

When a person seeks legal help, they have experienced some form of trauma whether they realize it or not. Trauma causes shame, shame causes shutdown. Shutdown results from clients who do not feel safe enough to engage, disclose all the facts, or trust you are working in their best interest.

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In this trauma-informed law training you will learn how to: 

Being trauma-informed is not a fad or buzzword. It is an active practice and a necessary paradigm shift to work in the legal field.

Join me in creating a healing legal environment and experience
for clients, communities, and ourselves.

What’s Included:

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4 hours of training and (2) 15-minute breaks 

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including pre-work, presentation, exercises, worksheets, and resources 

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Certificate of Attendance 

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Space is limited. All proceeds go to the HAE Fired Up Foundation.